Are you successfully leveraging your home warranty plan when you are marketing your business? Now is time to gear up and take advantage of this extraordinary marketing opportunity! Remember the old saying about the early bird and the worm? It is so true! The first to jump on a marketing concept, is typically one of the forerunners of the market. And PWSC is ready to help you market your home warranties in a smart and profitable way.
If you haven’t already secured your home warranty partner, the first thing you need to do is find the warranty program that works best for your company. Researching new home warranty companies and the benefits they have to offer you and your consumer is important. Once you have decided on a warranty company, you will have to apply to join that program. Not all builders qualify to offer structural home warranties. If you are part of PWSC’s warranty program and become a PWSC Pedestal Builder, you have been identified as a top builder focused on quality, customer service and financial soundness. This is a prestigious distinction and is a key marketing feature to display in your advertising.
Once you have been approved to join a new home warranty program, it is time to train everyone involved in the sales process of your homes on how the warranty works and its benefits to a home buyer. Your marketing team, administrative team, sales team, preferred lender and the closing attorney are all key in the process of confirming warranty coverages and advantages. Each of them has an opportunity to sell their builder’s positive qualities to the home buyers by reviewing the warranty that has been included. This continues to reinforce and increase confidence in your buyers decision to purchase from your company. Your buyer in turn may feel truly confident in the decision that he or she made. These good feelings typically lead to the experience being shared with friends and family members who may be looking to buy a home as well.
All advertising, website, newspaper, radio, and signage should have the logo of your warranty company on it. Your marketing pieces should display the benefits. The reinforcement of visual marketing is an important reminder and helps strengthen your credibility. Your purchase contract should discuss and include the warranty. This added benefit to your homebuyers’ experience is much more than the “state implied warranty”. You need to advertise that you are providing additional coverage that home buyers can count on, as their home purchase has a third party insurance-backed warranty.
Your sales and marketing teams should be aware and knowledgeable of your competition and the warranty programs they offer. In doing this, they are able to upsell the importance of the coverage and products that you are offering. To assist them with this task, home warranty sales team members should be available to train the members on your team. Additionally, be sure to request any marketing materials that your home warranty company offers.
At Professional Warranty Service Corporation, your Regional Sales Director or your Sales Account Manager is always available to walk you or your team through coverage specifics and marketing techniques. We offer complimentary, customized marketing tools to builders who are in our program: brochures, signage, logos, videos, blog posts and even in-house trainings as we hope to become an additional marketing resource to our builders.
Bonus Tip: Use a Systems & Appliance Warranty, like PWSC’s HomePRO Warranty to help lure in hot leads! By working with a company that offers new construction warranties and resale systems and appliance warranties, you have another opportunity to assist buyers of your homes with the sale of their current homes. Since resale homes sell faster when a home warranty is included, you can offer to include a systems and appliance warranty on the sale of their current home if they build their new home with you!
By marketing the structural home warranty (and by including the cost in the sales price of your homes) it is truly a win/win situation for home builders. There are many ways to include the positive features of purchasing a home from a builder who provides extra warranty coverage and confidence for their buyers. If you would like to learn more about marketing your home warranty plan, contact your PWSC Regional Sales Director today!

Builder's Warranty
How to Respond to a Warranty Call When the Request is not Covered
It is the call most builders dread. A homeowner has a claim that the warranty doesn’t cover. How you respond can significantly impact your reputation